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Today there will be no heaviness of heart

and no darkness prevailing because love abounds.

Today close out the noise of everday living

and listen to the hushed voice deep within.

Meditate in silence.

Today accept your personal disappointments uncomplainingly.

Showers are needed for flowers to grow and some tears are

necessary in our lives to promote our inner growth.

Today do not worry. Worry is like riding a carousel:

You keep going around, but you get nowhere.

Thank you God, for brushing

the dark clouds from my mind

And leaving only sunshine

and joy of heart behind.

Cheerful thoughts are like sunbeams

They lighten up the darkest fears

For when the heart is happy

There's just no time for tears

When life becomes a problem

Much too great for you to bear,

Instead of trying to escape,

Just withdraw in prayer.

Give me understanding ,

Enough to make me kind,

So I may judge all people,

With my heart and not my mind.

Always remember

That whatever betide you,

You are never alone

For God is beside you.

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Made in Loving Memory



Thank you for visiting my site. I hope that I

have lifted your spirits if you were feeling

blue, or have made you smile if you were glum.

Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to sign

my guestbook on the way out of the door.

This site has had over 400,00 visitors since June 01, 1998.

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These beautiful graphics are once again

from Pat's Web Graphics.  Stop by

and visit her graphics site.

You won't be disappointed.

Please note that the beautiful poetry and words of

inspiration have been gathered from greeting cards throughout

the years. I would like to give credit where credit is due but I

have no idea whose words they are. So if anyone is familiar with

any of these words, please let me know so I can give

proper credit...thanks :-)

Last Updated 9/3/00

Web Page Design - Petminder©2000

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