Angel's Flight


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Have you ever met a person that fulfilled you deep inside?
Someone who has never failed you and stands, no matter, by your side.
Someone who gives from their heart and brings sunshine all around,
Always smiling and laughing, never seeming down.

Have you ever watched a sunset across the ocean shore,
And been filled with love and peace, never needing more?
Have you ever listened to the wind flowing restlessy through the night?
And heard the angel's whispers helping you when you've lost sight.




Have you heard a song that moves you and sets your soul free,
And makes you feel wild and happy.
And feel so worthy inside, that you didn't care?
You see my friend heavenly creatures surround you,
So listen closely to what they say,
They'll bring you all of life's riches, as they guide you along your way.

~*Author Unknown*~

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Footsteps of Angels

When your heart climbs a mountain,
And your soul finds a sweet peace.
Then you hear footsteps of angels,
You're heart beat is increased.




When Your eyes see what you have been,
And changes now and then.
You have heard footsteps of angels,
As you begin to grin.

Your heart melts at the site of a blind child,
Bending down, giving him a hand.
You feel a lift from heaven,
And join in with their band.


When the sea calls your name,
As you stare out over it's shore.
Admiring it's beauty and knowing what it is for,
It is really angels at your heart's outside door.

When life you give for all you care,
And time for you is late.
Just listen for angels footsteps,
They will carry you to heavens gate.

Used with Permission



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This beautiful set is compliments of Moon & Back Graphics

Please visit their site.

The original midi is ©Night Angel and entitled RainForest

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