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Welcome to my Awards page.  These are awards that I have been given by

people who have enjoyed my web site and expressed their thanks for a job

well done.   I am extremely grateful for these awards and I thank everyone

for their kindness and generosity.  Please take a little time to visit their sites.

You will not be disappointed :-)

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I was recently given an award from the Rogue Warriors for

outstanding web page design. I am most honored to receive it and

thank them for the beautiful award..

Please take time to visit their site.

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I received another beautiful award from Regena.

Thank you so much, Regena.  Please visit her site.

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Thank you for visiting my Awards page.

Please sign my guestbook.

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Or send me an email.

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Return to Lesley's Web Haven

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since 08/10/01

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Web Page Design - Petminder©2001

All Rights Reserved.

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